Summer Scholarship Programme
Project Proposal
Project Title
An ALife Demonstrator
Project Proposer(s)
David Henty; Neil Chue-Hong
Date of proposal
2001/08/ 16:00:00
Project Details
This project is based on an existing SCOPE proposal to develop
an ALife demonstrator. The SSP proposal seeks to take some
existing code and extend it to produce a prototype demonstrator.
The current code is written in C++/DirectX for a Windows
Platform. It has a simple 2D world inhabited by "Monsters" which
can breed, mixing genetic material. The world and the monsters
evolve over time and the results can be studied. What we want to
do is turn this into a prototype demonstartor which will be fun,
intuitive and informative for the target audience of high school
A few of the following possible extensions will be
implemented (implementing them all would lead to a complete
demonstrator as outlined in the SCOPE proposal):
- refactor code to separate world engine, creature engine, world
renderer and creature renderer.
- allow arbitary speeding up of simulation
- make the world a reactive and adaptive system, introduce environmental
factors (e.g. temperature) maybe based on DaisyWorld idea?
- make the genetic evolution of child creatures more apparent
(e.g. use of coloured spots/patterns on skin)
- allow specific creatures to be loaded / saved / distributed via the web
- allow users to set individual genes / traits
- introduce learning into individual creatures (will AVIDA system work?)
- allow users to "program" creatures
- introduce predators.
- introduce creature tracking / logging
- extend the interaction with the environment (poisons, nutrients, shelter)
- introduce communication between creatures
- improve the visual display (full 3D)
- extend to run in massively distributed environment (e.g. over web).
Work Plan
Week 6 - Refactor and document code
Weeks 7/8/9 - Implement extensions
Week 10 - Report
Computing Skills Required
Interests in AI, ALife and graphics rendering preferred.
Training Required
basic HPC.
Computing Resources
access to a PC running Windows, Visual Studio.